Tuesday, January 28, 2020
SERVQUAL Model Summary and Evaluation
SERVQUAL Model Summary and Evaluation 1.1 Introduction Service quality has taken into consideration in providing and accomplishing customers satisfaction recently (Hishamuddin Fitri Abu Hasan, Azleen Ilias, Rahida Abd Rahman Mohd Zulkeflee Abd Razak, 2008). Besides, there is a very obvious trend towards a growing concern that customers satisfaction is one of the valuable assets in building up a brand image (Srivastava et al., 2001), so brand image is very crucial in service industry, by which this element is critical in influencing customers perceptions and thus their loyalty to a company. Simoes and Dibb (2001) stated that brand image plays an important role in service industry due to the strong brand image persuades customers with a sense of acceptance and trustfulness. Research finding based on Bloemer et al. (1997) and Jones et al. (2002) also pointed out that there is a direct relationship between service quality towards customers perceptions, which in turn contributes to the brand image of a product or company. Based on the findings from Parasuraman et al. (1994) and Zeithaml et al. (1996), service quality is directly related to customer satisfaction and loyalty and thus on brand image, by affecting customers perceived value (service quality à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ perceived value à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ customers satisfaction à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ customers loyalty à ¢Ã¢â¬ ââ¬â¢ brand image of a company). At first, there will have a brief explanation pertaining to the principle of the SERVQUAL model in this literature review; by which the dependent variable and independent variables of this research will be discussed in detail, followed by the findings from the previous research and studies. Lastly, this literature review will be ended up with a conclusion. 1.2 Theory of SERVQUAL Model Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (1985) developed service quality model which is named as SERVQUAL model or PZB model. They had conducted focus group interview in order to develop the first version of SERVQUAL model. They had created ten dimensions of the service quality by determining the similar criteria in the evaluation of customer. The ten dimensions of service quality included tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, competence, access, courtesy, communication, credibility, security and understanding. In this research, Parasuraman et al. (1985) stated that the overlapping among these ten dimensions of service quality maybe occurred and suggested that further research should be conducted. Therefore, SERVQUAL model was further developed and emerging the modified version of SERVQUAL model. In 1988, Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry had conducted an empirical study to measure the service quality towards the customers perceptions by using the ten dimensions as a basic structure. The results indicated that some variables in these ten dimensions were overlapped with each other. In the ten elements of service quality, tangibility, reliability and responsiveness remain constant while the remaining seven determinants were categorized into the last two dimensions which are assurance and empathy (Parasuraman et al., 1988). As a result, there are five service quality dimensions in the modified version of SERVQUAL model that affect customers satisfaction and thus brand image: Tangibility is related to the physical environment, facilities and the employees appearance. Reliability is the ability to carry out the services consistently and accurately. Responsiveness is the willingness of the employees in helping the customer to solve the problem. Assurance is the adequate knowledge that the employees possess and the ability of the employees in entrusting the confidence. Empathy is associated with the organization provide the caring and individualized attention to their customers. Buttle (1996) mentioned that SERVQUAL model is been used widely in measuring customers perceptions towards various types of services. Due to this reason, we are likely to choose SERVQUAL model to measure customers perceptions on brand image in our study. 1.3 Dependent variable 1.3.1 Brand image Service quality has significant effect on customers perceptual toward brand image, due to the statistics shown that strong brand image is needed to distinguish from competitors brands or products (Boltan and Drew 1991). At the same year of 1991, Schiffman and Kanuk also stated that customer will perceive brand that match and suit their images. As a result, service quality added value to customers by helping them differentiates the brand from competing brands. This means that customers perception of service quality is be associated brand image and customers are more likely to purchase the brand that provides the superior service quality. Keller (1993) supported the previous findings and stated that brand image is the customers perception that held in customer memory. Strong brand image is set in customers mind through their consumption experiences and their perceptions towards service quality provided by the product or company. In the year of 1996, Agarwal and Rao continued the study and mentioned that brand image is based on superior and favorable brand rooted in consumers memory. In 2003, Keller repeated the theory and reinforced that brand image refers to strong, positive and favorable brand association in memory which result in a positive effect, attitude and overall perceived quality. Holbrook and Batra (1987) stated that the perceive quality affect the brand loyalty and thus also influence the images of a brand. Meanwhile, service quality is clearly defined as the customers judgment about a brands excellence or superiority (Zeithaml, 1988; Aaker and Jacobson, 1994). Dobni and Zinkhan, (1990) assumed that brand image is refer to the reasoned and emotional perceptions consumers attach to specific brands. Zeithaml (1988) suggest that brand image is built through consumers consumption experiences with the excellence or favorable of service being provided. Therefore, the service quality perception is core dimension that help to create a high value of a strong brand image in which directly influences consumers purchase evaluation. According to Alba and Hutchinson (1987) and Walker et al. (1987), although brand image, brand attitude and service quality act independently, however, under some conditions, three of dimensions are interrelated with each other. Keller (1998) supported the brand image is multidimensional, by which it includes the attitude and behavior according to the brand and the perceived service quality. The process in order to develop a trusted brand image is based on the customers experiences towards the brand through both direct and indirect interaction with the brand (Keller, 1993 and Krishnan, 1996). Direct contact with brand involves usage; trial and satisfaction in consumption while indirect contact with brand involves advertising, word-of-mouth and brand reputation. In 1996, another researcher Meldan also mentioned the introduction of innovative products and services quality is to improve the positive perception of brand image. She supported the theories which were held by Park, Jaworski, Macinnis in 1996 and Fatt in 1997, by which they stated the service quality is very important in influence the image of a brand through the level of customers familiarity, experience and trust of a brand. Based on these theorie s, Aydin and Ozer (2005) concluded there is reciprocal relationship between both customers perceptions and brand image. There are five dimensions of brand image being identified by Aaker (1991) which included perceived service quality, brand awareness, brand association, brand asset and customer base. However, perceived of service quality have the most significant impact toward brand image among those five dimensions. Keller (1993) indicated that the service quality may improve brand image by enhancing customers loyalty and thus increasing the probability of brand choice as well as reducing the competitive marketing. Service quality can affect the brand image of particular products or companies directly and indirectly (Kirmani and Zeithml, 1993). The study held by Kirmani and Zeithml in 1993 shown that the dimensions of service quality tangibility, reliability and empathy are basic clues for in constructing a strong brand image (Bailey and Ball 2006). 1.4 Independent variables 1.4.1 Tangibility Tangibility is one of the dimensions in the SERVQUAL model. It can be defined as the physical evidence in the service industry (Parasuraman et al., 1988). It is the physical facilities and equipment, employees appearance, physical representations of services and the physical environment. Wakefield and Blodgett (1999) also mentioned that physical environment will significantly influence the customers perceptions towards brand image. Same theory goes to the size or the number of facilities and equipment provided by a company in judging customers perceptions (Umbach, 2002). One of the examples to support the dimension of tangibility can be seen in servicescape, by which it is the physical places where services are delivered (Chua, Mohhiddin Othman, Boo, Muhammad Shahrim Abdul Karim, and Sridar Ramachandran, 2009). It can be said that tangibility has a significant impact customers perceptions towards brand image. However, services is intangible, therefore, customers can only see and experience the tangible services provided by the company, such as the facilities and equipment, as well as the appearance of the employees. Those of the tangible services are known as clues (Zeithaml, Parasuraman, and Berry, 1992). The clues are the capabilities of the company and the quality of the environment. Berry (1980) stated that the way of managing the tangibles services will directly affect customers satisfaction, due to the reason that those tangibles services are critical elements in shaping brand image. According to the research finding of Kayaman, R. and Arasli, H. (2007), there is a significant relationship between service quality and brand image. They were mentioning that tangibility is associated with the physical characteristics provided by the company. This variable serves as a key element by which it may be able to attract more and more customers and thus gain competitive advantage over the competitors. Besides, element of tangibility is able to deliver both direct and indirect result on brand image. As a result, most of the companies nowadays are likely to formulate and implement strategies that are useful in grabbing potential customers and maintaining current customers by using eye-catching physical structures and providing a unique and comfortable environment for the services delivered. 1.4.2 Responsiveness Another independent variable that will affect customer perceptions towards service quality is responsiveness. The meaning of responsiveness is the willingness to help the customers, to provide prompt and well service to the clients, problem resolution when the customers faced and complaint handling (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990). Responsiveness should be expanded and this is because they believed that this variable is very important (Parasuraman et al, 1988). Previous studies suggest that the responsiveness is critical not only as a measure of service quality but can use as a best tool for uncovering areas of service quality strengths and weakness (Kettinger and Lee, 1997, 1999; Pitt, Watson, Kavan, 1995; Van Dyke et al., 1997). By knowing the strengths and weaknesses, the organization will enhance the service quality in order to increase the brand image in this competitive market (Bedi, 2010; Kassim and Abdullah, 2010; Kumar et al., 2010). Furthermore, good customer service is part of the responsiveness. Employees responsiveness takes customer service a step further (Lovelock, 1983). By using technology, including websites, email and telephone systems, it enables the customers to quickly get the information that they need is one of the aspect for responsiveness (Lovelock, 1983). It generally refers to being responsive to the service subscribers (Heeter, 1989). The employees also have to prepare the aptitude and desire to provide the customers with effective resolutions on the first contact whenever possible (GroÃËnroos, 1982; Oliver, 1981). A high level of responsiveness, representing and expressing as a trust cue, can convey the trustworthiness to the customers (Corritore et al., 2003). There is a significant relationship between the service quality and customers perception on brand image (Moliner and sanchez, 2003). Attachment theory suggests that beyond knowing who or what a brand stands for, strong attachments only mean when the brand is responsive to the consumer needs. In fact, psychologists argue that responsiveness is one of the critical element that keep relationships is going (Bebko and Prokop, 1996). Employees should quickly respond to the customers request at the same time, eliminating all the unnecessary errors and cannot make the customers to spend lots of time to wait (Guseman, 1981; Levitt, 1981; Murray and Schlacter, 1990). A responsive brand fulfills consumers relevant needs or goals. The goals can be many and varied for depending on the consumer and the situation (McDougall and Snetsinger, 1990). They may include broad level needs, such as needs for status, stimulation, belongingness or individuality, all the way down to situation specific goals (Parasuraman et al., 1985, 1988; Zeithaml et al., 1990; 1993). Of course, being responsive means that there must be something in the product and the marketing behind it that creates the perception that the brand uniquely in order to achieve these needs and goals (Anderson and Zeithaml, 1984; Garvin, 1982; Tse and Wilton, 1988). Hence, it is crucial for all the employees to exhibit a courteous and friendly behavior when delivering services to the customers in order to increase their satisfaction towards the brand image (Firdaus Abdullah, Rosita Suhaimi, Gluma Saban Jamil Hamali, 2011). 1.4.3 Reliability According to Word Net, reliability indicated the trait of being dependable or reliable. Reliability indicates the employees are able to provide the services accurately, consistently and dependably (Parasuraman et al, 1988, LeBlanc Nguyen, 1997). In another way, reliability also means that the services are correctly performed and defined as the consistency of the services performance. Besides, reliability means the organization keeping their promises, trustworthiness toward the services quality of employees to avoid anything goes wrong. In product and service industry, it plays as a key component that will influence the customer behavior towards brand image and thus on their purchase intention. Therefore, different services that provided to the customers will bring different level of customer satisfaction based on the services provided by the product (Yuksel, 2001). Reliability is the driving force of the responsiveness of customers behavior (Antreas A. Spiros and Vlassis, 1999). It means that reliability of services is interrelated with the customers satisfaction and perception once the services are provided and performed (Antreas A. Spiros and Vlassis, 1999). It is associated with the services quality environment and delivery systems that work well with good quality of service which include staff attitude, knowledge and skill (Walker 1990). For example, it provides the service at the designated time. Parasuraman et al. (1991) predicted that reliability is concerned with the result of services as compared to other variables in SERVQUAL model. This theory is supported by Glaveli, Petridou, Liassides and Spathis (2006), by which they strengthened the element of reliability considers as the service providers ability to provide accurate and dependable services in which included items such as personnel training, interruption of service, absence of e rrors and punctuality. Berry et al. (1985) argued that reliability is the most important factor in guaranteeing both customers satisfaction and dissatisfaction. This assumed that managers and employees need to provide a reliable service and reduce unreliable service to the customers in order to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction. In 1990, Zeithaml et al. also held that service reliability is one the most significant variables in the SERVQUAL model. As a result, most of the organizations are likely to include the issues of reliability in setting their mission statement and the standard of services to be provided (Malhotra, Ulgado, Agarwal, Shainesd Wu, 2005). So, both employers and employees must aware to the importance of reliability and find ways to improve the reliability of services. Reliability is one of the important dimensions that will lead to customers satisfaction through customers perceptions and thus affect the image of the brand (Patrick, Karl J., John E. 1996). A consistent measure is needed when working out with employees so that services can be performed adequately. In addition, the frequently changing of work procedures will improve the service performance as well. Again, this ensures customers perceptions towards service quality and consequently building up a strong brand image towards a product or a company. The administration and examination of departments have provided the reliable and accurate services also known as the reliability services (Muhammed Ehsan Malik et al., 2010). It held true when the brand image of an organization which is associated with excellence reliability services is considered as one of the means to attract customers purchase intention through good brand image. The study from Parasuraman et al. (1991), Muhammed Ehsan Malik et al. (2010), Ham and Hayduk (2003) proved that reliability has the strongest impact on consumers judgment, as among the five determinants of services quality. This philosophy was again proved by Hishamuddin Fitri Abu Hassan et al. in the year of 2008. 1.4.4 Assurance Another dimension in SERVQUAL model is assurance. Assurance shows the knowledge that the employees posses and how the employees conveys the trust and confidence (Parasuraman et al., 1988). Assurance can also be known as the organization offers the credible and secure service to its customers (Donnelly, Wisniewski, Dalrymple Curry, 1995). Initially, according to the research findings of Parasuraman et al. (1985), there were ten dimensions that regrouped to the five dimensions of service quality. In those five dimensions, there are three original determinants which are tangibles, responsiveness and reliability while another two determinants were assurance and empathy which, were derived from the other seven dimensions of service quality. Assurance is derived from the competence, courtesy, credibility and security of the service. This is because those four dimensions have overlapped with each other and the new dimension of assurance is formed. According to the research findings of Aydin and Ozer (2005), there is a significant relationship between customers perception about service quality and brand image. They were mentioning that assurance has a significant positive impact on brand image. Employees give an expression of the service quality in customers eyes (GroÃËnroos, 1994). It means employees give the customers the greatest concept of what the brand really is. Employees competence and abilities in delivering the service performance is also very important so that the customers know their roles and willingness in performing those services otherwise their inevitable frustration will destroy the brand image (Davies, 1996). Not only the actions or behaviors of employees but also the morale of employees influences the service quality and it will impact upon customers perception on the brand image accordingly (Schneider and Bowen, 1993). Besides, a strong brand image is a part of brand strength measurement model that based on how the customers putting trust on a particular brand over other competitors (Lassar et al., 1995). One of the high-level associations that consumers can accommodate a brand is credibility (Keller, 2003 b). The importance is also supported by another statement from Aakers study (1997) on the basic brand personality factor analysis, and she state that sincerity was the highest eigenvalue factor. In Olivers service quality theory (1980) states that the customers will judge that the service quality is low if the service performance does not meet or either exceed their expectations. Ultimately, customers are willing to commend the specific brand to other people when their perception of service quality is high (Parasuraman et al.s, 1988, 1991b). This is supported by the statement from cf. Keaveney (1995) that there is a positive correlation between high customers perception on brand image and word-of -mouth communication. In short, a strong brand not only increases the customers trust so that they are better in observing and understand the intangible but it also reduces customers perceived monetary, social and security risks Simoes and Dibb (2001). 1.4.5 Empathy Empathy is one of the dimensions which out of five dimensions of SERVQUAL model that is created and derived from the accessibility, communication and understanding. Parasuraman ct al., 1988 said that empathy is originate from approachability, communication and understandable in the ten dimension of service quality as well as the essential of caring given to the individual special attention and caring to the customers. Besides, approachable services that are provided by organization are also known as empathy to meet or identify the needs of specific customers (Donnelly et al., 1995). In order to improve the empathy in service quality, one of the approaches is by collecting the feedback from customers after they experienced the service performances (Soutar MeNeil, 1996). For psychology today, what is empathy and how its related to our livelihood? Empathy means the capability to be comprehensive to another peoples condition, point of view, feelings and perceptions. When we are facing or experiencing the feeling of empathy, then we are able to catch out someone internal feelings of empathy. Some people especially with mentally disorder, antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder and so forth, they have intimate link with the ability to empathize. (Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, 2010). According to Bowman and Narayandas (2001), the value perceptions of loyal customers are normally related to empathy and sincerity due to they are devote for creating the sense of interactive fairness. Individualized attention offered by the organization to meet the customers need also consider as empathy (Salvador-Ferrer, 2010). Shoeb (2011) summarized that the willingness of organization in listening to what customers had said is the empathy services that organization has provided to individual pleasantly as well as concerned with the individual by treating them well and respecting them. It can be said that empathy services concerned with how the employees approach and behave towards the customers. Hanaysha et al. (2011) mentions that there is a moderately and optimistically relationship between the empathy and customers perception on brand image. There is another research shows that there is a significant relationship between the empathy with the satisfaction (Nawaz. et. al., 2011). It means that empathy reflects how does the organization treats and cares the individual by identify their needs and wants as everybody must be treated fairly by providing the same services. 1.5 Conclusion At first, we had proposed our title of The Impact of Service Quality towards Customer Perceptions on Brand Image. The purpose for our research is used to identify the new knowledge that have not done by the previous studies. The concept of the service quality and brand image had been review in this study. In this research, SERVQUAL model is used as the applications in our study. This model is essential in our study as our research framework is derived from this model. Based on the findings, we found out that five dimension of the modified version of service quality model have the strongly impact on brand image. Service quality has the strongly correlated with the brand image. This research study is to increase our understanding of service brand from the customers perspective. Moreover, it provides the people especially service marketers the understanding of the associations that may exist and how they impact on the brand image. By understanding these associations and the inherent ris ks associated with service procurement, they will be able to manage the brand strategies well and to make better branding decisions.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Essay Grading :: essays research papers
I was going through a bunch of old magazines and newspapers this week when I came upon an article about some software that was being developed for teachers to use that would grade essays. Over the past weekend I had the opportunity to talk to my aunt who was a teacher and college professor before she retired. She said, ââ¬Å"there is nothing better to assess a student's knowledge of a subject, than an essay especially when compared to a true or false or multiple choice examsâ⬠. Unfortunately, grading essays is extremely time-consuming, and sometimes grading can be inconsistent. Now there is a computer program that can grade essays as well as humans according to its developer Thomas Landauer. "From sixth graders to first-year medical students, we get consistently good results," says Thomas Landauer, a psychology professor at the University of Colorado who has been working on the program for 10 years. The program, developed into its present form in 1997, uses "latent semantic analysis," a type of artificial intelligence based on complex mathematical formulas that attempt to mimic the human language function. Developed by Landauer, psychologist Peter Foltz of New Mexico State University and doctoral student Darrell Laham of Colorado, the program can't get bored, rushed, sleepy or forgetful. And this, Landauer says, gives it perfect consistency in grading. To grade text, operators feed the computer general information about the subject to be tested, which can include from 50,000 to 10 million words entered from course textbooks. The program then assigns a mathematical degree of similarity or distance between individual words used by the textbooks and other words in general use. This allows students to use different words that mean the same thing for example, "physician" and "doctor." The program then evaluates essays against sample tests that have already been graded by human instructors and professors. It then takes the combination of words in the student essay and computes its similarity to the combination of words in the essays to come up with a grade. The student can expect a grade similar to the one on the sample essay his work most closely matches. To achieve this, the software uses about a gigabyte of computer memory, or ten times that of the average home personal computer. My computer at home has 128 megabytes of R.A.M (random access memory) so my computer would need about eight times more R.A.M to run this program.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Songs of Suicide
As usual, nearly all the children loved lunch time. The younger children played small games, and the older boys would enjoy a friendly game of football, showing off to the girls, and the girls would chat and laugh about the rumours they had heard over the weekend, looking at the boys and decided who they thought were best looking or who they thought were really nice. As usual, the teachers would shout across the field, at the group of kids standing in the corner, lighting up a regular cigarette and as usual, there were the group of good people, or bofs as they were often called by the rest of the school, as they hid their heads in a book, and giggled at the site of a boy. But Everyone had their friendship groups, some clever, some stupid, some friendly, some not, but everyone had their friendship groups, except Justin. Justin was often referred to as a loner, or a weirdo or something that you wouldnt really like to be named. He sat in the corner of the cloakroom every lunch, every break, and in lessons, he wouldnt answer if any one talked to him, he would just look at then plainly, as if he couldnt see them, as if they were a ghost. He was always very pale, and always kept to himself, listening to his music, and writing in a small blue book who no one had ever read or seen except himself. He was a clever child, but the only lesson he seemed to participate in were music lessons. He wrote his way through books and books of songs, poems and lyrics, and could play any instrument which was presented to him. But he never seemed to be prepared to show his talent to anyone. ââ¬ËOi, Justin, give us ya book, or ya diary, or whatever it is,' yelled mark across the field, and everyone watched and laughed at Justin, calling names and making fun out of him, not being aware of his feelings. Justin just turned away and carried on scribbling notes into his book, and then stopping, chewed his pen for a while, scribbled some words out, then wrote down another sentence, then smiled to himself, drew a line and turned the page. The bell rang and people started trailing into the classrooms, mumbling words as the bofins ran past and sat at the front of the class, with their books out ready and sat up straight, ready for the teacher to walk in. The girls then trailed in followed by the footballers, chatting away with each other, and every so often, a laugh, or a scream. Following them, Justin walked in, clenching his small blue book, and looking at each person, with a stare in his eyes, like he was analysing the way they act, or walk, or talk. He sat at the back in the corner, away from the rest of the class. About five minutes later, the smokers trailed in, chatting with a bit of strong language added in, and the scent of cigarettes filled the classroom. As the teacher marched in, the people at the front jumped up, followed by the rest of the class including justin, who mumbled ââ¬ËGood Morning sir' over their breaths. As the work started, random objects were thrown in the direction of Justin, usually hitting his desk, chair or even himself, but he didnt move. He just let it happen and dealt with it. Notes were passed to him with rude, agressive words on them, threatning sometimes, but never did he stir, he just scribbled some notes down that the teacher was making, then carried on writing is his little blue book. The end of school bell finally rang, and the classes were dismissed. Everyone left and trailed off home, including Justin, who walked 4 miles to get home, in the summer or winter, no matter what the weather was like. As he arrived home, he let himself in, often the door was left open, if his father had forgotten to close it behind him. He dragged his school bag up the small cluttered stairs, collecting the dust on the way. His mother had died at an early age and his father had become violent with drink since she had passed away. He had always blamed Justin, even thought he was only 3 years old when she died. He always said if he wasnt born, she would still be alive. He got into his room, where the walls were painted plain black, but could often not be seen by the amount of band pictures and posters which had been pasted over his walls. This was Justins personal space, and no one ever came in his room. His music could be played loudly and he could keep to himself in their as his dad couldnt easily get up the stairs so his slept on the cigarette burnt, old, tatty sofa downstairs. Justin stayed up there all night, until he woke up in the mornings, and went downstairs to find some food he could scrape out of the cupboards, or some spare money so he could buy some food from the corner shop on his way to school before his dad came downstairs. If his dad caught him, he would be punished, which was that morning. At 6 :00, Justin crept downstairs, and past his father sleeping on the sofa, and into the so called kitchen. He opened the cupboard and found some change, three pounds to be exact which he picked up an swand round, pleased with his find, but as he turned around, his father was stood in the doorway. ââ¬ËWhat you doing there with my money Justin ?!' asked his father ââ¬ËJust going to buy something to eat dad' Justin mumbled shakily under his breath. ââ¬ËAnd you were going to take my food money were you ?' ââ¬ËNo dad, iâ⬠¦i just â⬠¦ i was going to pay it back' said Justin, starting to panic now. ââ¬ËYeah Justin, you were really going to pay it back. I know you Justin, always taking my money, never paying it back, probably hoping i will starve so you dont have to live here anymore. You dont care about me do you Justin ?' ââ¬ËI do dad. I just need some food' ââ¬ËNot out of my money you dont, you selfish child !' shouted his father as he lifted his fist to justin and knocked him over. Justin grabbed his school bag, and ran out of the house straight to school. It was early and the teachers were just arriving. His eye had swelled up and had gone black. He got out his blue book, and wrote down a diary entry and some more lyrics to finish up his song. The he saw Mark coming down the road. He ran to the unused toilets and locked himself in. This was the place he felt safe, other than his bedroom. No one ever came into the toilets, not even the cleaners, because they hadnt been used for about 6 months, since there had been more toilets built inside the main building. He could sit in the toilets for hours, just thinking to himself, and writing in his blue book, and not having to bother about any one else. ââ¬ËWheres Justin ?' asked the teacher when the bell had rung. No one really knew because he didnt have any friends. Some nonsence was mumbled under peoples breaths about him, but no one really had any clue where he was. ââ¬ËI saw him before school , outside, by the gate. His eye was swolen, Miss, i duno what he had been doin.' Shouted Mark from the back of the class. Louise walked into the old toilet block with her friends behind her. This was where they were planning on having a cigarette and as they hadn't been used for 3 years, not many people entered. ââ¬ËPass a cigarette, Chris.' Shouted Ryan from the other side of the toilet block. ââ¬ËI wonder if any of these toilets still work.' Mentioned Louise to Greg. ââ¬ËDunno, lets go have a look at them, bet there disgusting,' answered Greg. So Gred pushed each door open quickly an peeked inside, looking at the mess they were in, the graffiti on the walls and the broken doors and toilet seats. ââ¬ËThis ones locked,' said Greg. ââ¬ËNah, it cant be, have a look over, see if theres something in the way.' As Greg looked over, he saw a boy, sat on the floor, writing in a book. He looked behind him to see if it was any of his friends, but they were all stood there, looking at him, waiting for him to open the door. He glanced back. The boy was gone and the door swung open. ââ¬ËWho the hell was that ?' shouted Greg, feeling a bit shaken up and his friends looking at him puzzled. ââ¬ËThere wasâ⬠¦thereâ⬠¦iâ⬠¦i just saw a ghost.' And there on the floor, was a small blue book, in neat condition, with a name on the outside. Justin Holdsworth.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Final Project Psychology 1 - 1501 Words
Schizophrenia I chose to write my research paper over Schizophrenia. It is a psychological disorder that I have always found fascinating. Approximately 20% of North Americans will be affected by a mental illness during the course of their lifetime. (MHA, ââ¬ËWhat You Should Know About Mental Illnesses) More specifically, 1 in 100 Americans will suffer from schizophrenia. That means that 300,000 people in America will, at some point in their life, be affected by a very serious and highly misunderstood mental disorder. (Schizophrenia Society of America) It is a serious disorder that consumes a person s life and is nearly impossible to control. In this paper, I will talk about the definition of Schizophrenia, the symptoms of Schizophrenia,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The most important thing to remember though with disorganized schizophrenia is that there is a lot of strange and aimless behavior that does not make sense. Paranoid-type schizophrenia is characterized by delusions and auditory hall ucinations (hearing voices that don t exist) but relatively normal intellectual functioning and expression of emotions. The delusions can often be about being persecuted by a person or an organization, or feeling harassed or treated unfairly. People with paranoid-type schizophrenia can exhibit anger, aloofness, anxiety, and can be argumentative. (DSM-IV-TR) The catatonic subtype of schizophrenia involves disturbances in a personââ¬â¢s movement. Affected people may exhibit a dramatic reduction in activity, to the point that voluntary movement stops, as in catatonic stupor. Alternatively, activity can dramatically increase, a state known as catatonic excitement.Other disturbances of movement can be present with this subtype. 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Table 1: Self-Scoring Analysis of Transformational Leadership Based on analysis using the source: (Carless, Wearing, Mann, 2000) This is an analysis based on my own assessment of transformational leadership skills relativeRead MoreOutcomes Of Alternative And Complementary Therapy On Older Adults Receiving Palliative Care1653 Words à |à 7 Pagesevidence-based practice project counsellor standards. Each session was conducted by the same interviewer, a licensed social worker with fifteen yearsââ¬â¢ experience in older adult healthcare needs. In addition, the information remains credible through the authors expertise in various domains. Hansen is the regional vice president of clinical operations at the Meriter Health Services Incorporated in Madison, Wisconsin. Enright is a professor in the department of education psychology at the University ofRead MoreThe Psychological Changes Of Psychology1176 Words à |à 5 Pagescharacters decisions; likewise, in movies I would surmise the psychologicalà changes of characters following the development of plot. Based on this interest, I eventually chose psychology as my major. After learning about Social Psychology, Applied Statistics for Social Sciences, Sampling Techniques, I found that the essenceà of psychology lied in statistics and experimentalà verification: each and every theory had to be proved by plenty of experiments. I was once required to design a mental experiment in whichRead MoreLearning and Cognition Essay1306 Words à |à 6 Pagesï » ¿ Annotated Bibliography: Foundation for a course Project PSYC 3500; Learning and Cognition U5A1: Annotated Bibliography Capella University November, 2013 Annotated Bibliography: Foundation for a course Project This paper contains an annotated bibliography for a paper which will serve as the final project for a course on the subject of learning and cognition. The paper for which this bibliography was prepared originally was to focus on whetherRead MoreAnalysis Of 10 Psychological Experiments / Beliefs1448 Words à |à 6 Pagespsychological/ social experiments are really interesting because they reveal things about human nature that humans were previously not aware of. I am intrigued by psychology and also have a passion for writing about anything that interests me so therefore I believe that I will put my writing skills and passion for the topic to great use in this project. Summary of knowledge of topic Psychological experiments have been performed throughout history as a way for us to gain some information on how the environmentRead MoreCareer Investigation Into Psychology901 Words à |à 4 PagesCAREER INVESTIGATION Title: A career investigation into Psychology. Description of Career: Psychologists study the way people think and act. They look at all behaviour and the thoughts and feelings that make us act the way we do. They use their understanding to help people with difficulties to change their lives for the better. Skills and Qualities: I feel Psychologists should be committed to helping people transform their lives in a positive way. They should be caring, extremelyRead MoreI Am Audrey Roberts And This Is The Fifth Pol I ve Changed My Life1586 Words à |à 7 Pageshelpful in developing my strengths as a college applicant because I was required to register at Grand Canyon University in order to take English 4 online. This gave me experience in the processes for entering college. A project from this semester that best demonstrates my growth in ESLR 1 is Essay 3 from English 1A. We got to choose what we wanted to write about; I decided to analyze and compare my reactions to two similar works found in Sustainability. We were required to include at least two texts,Read MoreInvestigating . For My Personal Project, I Chose The Topic1731 Words à |à 7 PagesInvestigating For my personal project, I chose the topic of social media. My goal for this assignment is to elaborate on the sociological effects social networks have on us. I believe my goal will push me to explore something new because Iââ¬â¢ve never really paid too much attention to what happens beyond the screen of a computer or smartphone. I chose the topic of social media because itââ¬â¢s relevant and itââ¬â¢s something everyone of us has experienced in some way. My experience with social media is similar
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